Enterprise Cloud Spam Solution
Public Cloud
CudaConnect can easily be connected with any Public Cloud Email Services & also with the traditional Hostings Services. Try our 30-Days No-Obligation FREE Trial.
Contact an ExpertDedicated
CudaConnect offer dedicated clusters for customers with critical mail infrastructure This tier also provides enhanced support and control over CudaConnect.
Contact an ExpertOn-Premises
Cuda Cloud can deliver on-premises
message routing and mail
solutions and event-driven dynamic
route learning.
CudaConnect Email Security is the most comprehensive and
cost-effective way to protect your business
against all of the threats associated with corporate business email.
Mail Server MX-Masking
The methods and resources available to conduct and mask such attacks...
Secondary MX
If your Mail Server or Firewall or fails for any reason or is unavailable for any reason...
Central Management
The Cuda Connect is a cloud-based portal that makes managing multiple Barracuda...
Role Administration
Cuda Connect provides support native multiple levels of role-based administration...
Multiple Network Routes
You have the option to define more than one IP using different ISP or Links...
Cloud Spam Filtering
CudaConnect Email Security is the most comprehensive and cost-effective way to protect...
Mail Bagging
If your Primary Mail Server goes down, the email will be stored and queued using our Mail Bagging....
Auto Spooling
There is no ETRN Scripting or POP or Domain POP or any fetching mechanism required to use our service....
Pricing Packages
Choose the packages or create your own plan below
Cuda 10
10 Users
Suitable for Startups -
Included -
Included -
Mail Bagging
Upto 48 Hours -
MX Masking
Hide your mail server from attackers -
Cuda Portal
Access to Cuda Connect Portal -
Active Fail-Over
Using BSF 400 Geo Cluster -
Secondary MX
Using 2 x Barracuda Devices - Order Now
Cuda 25
25 Users
Suitable for Startups -
Included -
Included -
Mail Bagging
Upto 48 Hours -
MX Masking
Hide your mail server from attackers -
Cuda Portal
Access to Cuda Connect Portal -
Active Fail-Over
Using BSF 400 Geo Cluster -
Secondary MX
Using 2 x Barracuda Devices - Order Now
Cuda 50
50 Users
Suitable for Startups -
Included -
Included -
Mail Bagging
Upto 48 Hours -
MX Masking
Hide your mail server from attackers -
Cuda Portal
Access to Cuda Connect Portal -
Active Fail-Over
Using BSF 400 Geo Cluster -
Secondary MX
Using 2 x Barracuda Devices - Order Now
Redundancy and Fail-Over Features
CudaConnect Email Security is the most comprehensive and cost-effective way to protect your business against all of the threats associated with corporate business email.
Cloud Spam Filtering
CudaConnect Email Security is the most comprehensive and cost-effective way to protect your business against all of the threats associated with corporate business email. In a single solution, you get effective protection using 12 Defense Layers.
Mail Bagging
If your Primary Mail Server goes down, the email will be stored and queued using our Mail Bagging Feature until 72 hours and as soon as the Primary Mail Server is live again, the emails would be pushed to the Primary Mail Server.
Multiple Network Routes
You have the option to define more than one IP using different ISP or Links and if your Link is down or not available, it will re-route the messages using secondary IP/ISP.
Auto Spooling
There is no ETRN Scripting or POP or Domain POP or any fetching mechanism required to use our service, the MX Backup Monitoring will check to see if the Primary Server is live again, it will start pushing emails automatically.
LDAP & Microsoft Active Directory Integration
Cuda Connect can easy connect to any Directory Services including LDAP - Light Weight Directory Access Protocol, Novel eDirectory Services, Domino Directory, and Active Directory methods.
Role-Based Administration
Cuda Connect provides support native multiple levels of role-based administration: User, Helpdesk, Domain Admin and Auditor. Assigning and editing administration roles takes a only few moments through the web UI.
Secondary MX - Add Redundancy
If your Mail Server or Firewall or fails for any reason or is unavailable for any reason, your emails will be re-routed and will be delivered to the your Mail Server using the Secondary MX Firewall. The Backup MX service will continue to deliver cleaned emails to your mail server hence the continuation of your spam-blocking service and email flow will become 100% redundant.
Mail Server MX-Masking
The methods and resources available to conduct and mask such attacks have dramatically evolved to include distributed (DDoS) and, more recently, distributed reflector (DRDoS) attacks that simply cannot be addressed by traditional on-premise solutions. Cuda Connect Cluster technically masks your mail server to protect against any attacks and with MX-Masking features it provides you an additional level of protection.
Central Management
The Cuda Connect is a cloud-based portal that makes managing multiple Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewalls simple and straightforward using Barracuda API Connector to allow you to have DATA CENTERS, Service Providers, Devices and Inventory and Individual Device Control at the lower level too.
Integrates With
Every Hosting Server
You can host your email with any hosting provider and still utilize the CudaConnect to add additional level of security and spam control. CudaConnect is as easy as few simple clicks and you are ready to use it.
Integrates With
All Cloud Platforms
Cloud platforms like Hosted Exchange, Office 365, Google Apps for Business & other Cloud Based emails can easily be integrated with CudaConnect providing an additional level of protection, continuity and redundancy including true fail-over.
Integrates With
Any Mail Server
Large organizations need high capacity solutions, self-service options, and multi-cloud availability. CudaConnect can help you build distributed mail routing architectures in ways that can be governed, monitored, and scaled easily.
Spam Security and Firewall Features
CudaConnect reduces spam, viruses, malware and other email threats by over 99.9%. We provide sophisticated email security for your business without making it complicated.
- Anti-Spam
- Email-borne viruses
- Email-based malware
- Data leaks
- Phishing emails
- IP Reputation Analysis
- Sender Authentication
- Anti-Spoofing
- Mircosoft Outlook and Lotus Notes Integration
- Plug-and-Play Installation
- Undelivered emails
- Unsecured emails
- Denial of Service attacks
- Network Denial of Service Protection
- Rate Control
- Virus Scanning
- Policy (User-specified rules)
- Anti-Spyware - Attachments
- IPv6 Capable
- Attachment Content Scanning
- Spam Fingerprint Check
- Intent Analysis
- Image Analysis
- Bayesian Analysis
- Rule-based Scoring
- Recipient Verification
- Anti-Phishing
- User Quarantine
- Cuda Connect Cluster
Free Trial Request
You'll be up and running shortly. We just need to set up your account first.
(No credit card required for free trial)
Dashboard Fully graphical customize dashboard
Now you can manage all your devices and network hierarchy in the tree format to see which Data Center and which Service Provider hosts your Servers and Devices and Services. You can also monitor the server's load on a real time. Cuda Connect gives you the power to manage all your inventory from one single control panel.
Service Provider Managed Service Providers In Application
Service Provider Management Tools allows you to manage your Service Provider's Database including the complete contact details and to be able to find out which service providers hosts what so that in case of any emergency support, you should be able to contact the respective provider immediately.
Inventory Managed Your Inventory Devices
You can now easy manage all your Barracuda Spam Firewalls using single console and manage all the aspects of it. Besides the Managed Devices, you can also keep track of other inventory items including your Web Server, Mail Servers, Database Server to keep track of who has hosted what. The API Module supports all Barracuda Spam Firewall Models.
Users and Roles Managed Login Users and Roles
This is the real power of the Cuda Conect where you can have more detailed level of Permission assigned to any user or role. Barracuda itself allows only Guest, Admin and Help Desk Users on Model 300 and Model 400 and the domain admin is not allowed. But with Cuda Connect you can define any number of Roles with any definable permission of your choice and have maximum control of your network infrastructure and resources to ensure system integrity and security.
Customer Domains Managed Customer Domains On Cuda Devices
The domain module allows you to manage Domains and their settings, the IP Configuration, the Block List, White List, Recipient Validation, Spam Scores, Quarantine Summary, The Message Logs and other configuration of the Barracuda device using the Cuda Connect Portal now.
Contact Us
Use this form to submit customer service requests or information request or any feedback to Cuda Connect.